Tuesday 19 July 2011


I am a bleeting walking contradiction. Weak and strong, Spiritual and Carnal, Wild and Tame, Mad and Sane, Loving and hateful, devoted and detached, Wise and foolish, Shallow and deep, Promiscuous and Prudish, honest and deceitful...all a hot mess that makes my life dramatic, unpredictable and full. So this here is for podcasts. To chronicle not just my thoughts and hopefully others( yours) as well, but also my hopes, fears, struggles, triumphs, wisdom and stupidity.
P.S This shit here is rated 18 so if you are easily offended by colourful language or explicit content, I suggest, you stop right here and F-off!
And if you made it past that last sentence...you may just survive the rest...

Welcome to "MEL : UNABASHED"